This is a reply to arsehole.
Let's get a few things straight.
I have never directly accused anybody on this forum of being a racist.
However, from your contributions on the subject down the years I suspect you are a racist in denial.
Far from attacking you I actually just respond to your attacks on me. Check it out and prove me wrong.
Because you know I will respond robustly, you adopt the sly, sneaky tactic of playing to the gallery, usually saying something like " you see how bozo.. "Check it out and prove me wrong.
You remind me of the sly kid at school who, when a fight breaks out, hides behind the rest shouting " go on hit him " whilst avoiding the fists yourself.
I'm not against free speech, far from it, but the law is necessary to protect people from harrassment either verbal or physical.
Now your employment. Once again you disappoint. You fuck around with computers. Big deal. Full of your own importance once again.
Now the strike. You obviously missed my joke in suggesting you come out on strike on Wednesday. I realise striking is anathema to the likes of you.
Fact: when workers take strike action people suffer some inconvenience. If no disruption occurs, what's the point of a strike? A clever fellow like you must see that.
Fact: strike action is never taken lightly. It is an action of last resort. Usually, as in this instance, when MEANINGFUL negotiation isn't happening.
Fact: this action is just 1 day. Not much disruption I suggest.
As regards cost to the economy, I don't recall that being a concern on 29 April when a certain royal wedding stopped the country!
Finally, well not for ever obviously, the issue of the scab.
A scab is a worker who does the job of a striking worker. He is the lowest of the low and deserves whatever ill becomes him for his actions.
It just might affect you someday, you never know.
Let's get a few things straight.
I have never directly accused anybody on this forum of being a racist.
However, from your contributions on the subject down the years I suspect you are a racist in denial.
Far from attacking you I actually just respond to your attacks on me. Check it out and prove me wrong.
Because you know I will respond robustly, you adopt the sly, sneaky tactic of playing to the gallery, usually saying something like " you see how bozo.. "Check it out and prove me wrong.
You remind me of the sly kid at school who, when a fight breaks out, hides behind the rest shouting " go on hit him " whilst avoiding the fists yourself.
I'm not against free speech, far from it, but the law is necessary to protect people from harrassment either verbal or physical.
Now your employment. Once again you disappoint. You fuck around with computers. Big deal. Full of your own importance once again.
Now the strike. You obviously missed my joke in suggesting you come out on strike on Wednesday. I realise striking is anathema to the likes of you.
Fact: when workers take strike action people suffer some inconvenience. If no disruption occurs, what's the point of a strike? A clever fellow like you must see that.
Fact: strike action is never taken lightly. It is an action of last resort. Usually, as in this instance, when MEANINGFUL negotiation isn't happening.
Fact: this action is just 1 day. Not much disruption I suggest.
As regards cost to the economy, I don't recall that being a concern on 29 April when a certain royal wedding stopped the country!
Finally, well not for ever obviously, the issue of the scab.
A scab is a worker who does the job of a striking worker. He is the lowest of the low and deserves whatever ill becomes him for his actions.
It just might affect you someday, you never know.