That's right, but the event last point applies rules of Islam.
Islam is a religion that has already formed the geographical and cultural conditions.
Veils on the word, there is a discussion which lasted for centuries.
The Quran 24 Light (An-Nur)
31. And say to the believing women that they should lower Their gaze and guard Their modesty: that they should not display beauty and ornaments except what's Their (ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw over Their bosoms and not display Their Veils Their beauty except to Their Husbands, Their fathers, Their husband's fathers, Their sons, Their Husbands' sons, Their brothers or Their brothers' sons, or Their sisters' sons, or Their women, or the slaves whom Their right hands possess, or male Attendants free of sexual desires, or small children of women who have no carnal, and that they should strike a note of Their feet, in order to draw attention to Their hidden ornaments. And then to the Believers! to turn all together towards Allah in repentance, that be may to the Successful.
Arabic Qur'an 24 Light (An-Nur)
And the use of mu'minâti yagdudne lil min ebsârihinne and yahfazne furûcehunne, and la yubdîne zînetehunneillâ maÅ zahera minha, vel yadribne superb bi humurihinne cuyûbihinne, and la yubdîne zînetehunne âbâihinne home or else home with Abaie buûletihinne buûletihinne ebnâi buûletihinne home home home ebnâihinne ıhvânihinne Home My ıhvânihinne home My ehavâtihinne home nisâihinne home maÅ meleket eymânuhunne Ulil irbeti informal miner's dignitaries Evite Evite tâbiîne tıflillezîne yazharû superb operation Avrat April, and la yadribne bi li erculihinne yu'leme maÅ yuhfîne min zînetihinn (zînetihinne), and tubular ilâllâhi cemîan eyyuhel leallekum mu'minûne tuflihûn (tuflihûne).
Islam is a religion that has already formed the geographical and cultural conditions.
Veils on the word, there is a discussion which lasted for centuries.
The Quran 24 Light (An-Nur)
31. And say to the believing women that they should lower Their gaze and guard Their modesty: that they should not display beauty and ornaments except what's Their (ordinarily) appear thereof, that they should draw over Their bosoms and not display Their Veils Their beauty except to Their Husbands, Their fathers, Their husband's fathers, Their sons, Their Husbands' sons, Their brothers or Their brothers' sons, or Their sisters' sons, or Their women, or the slaves whom Their right hands possess, or male Attendants free of sexual desires, or small children of women who have no carnal, and that they should strike a note of Their feet, in order to draw attention to Their hidden ornaments. And then to the Believers! to turn all together towards Allah in repentance, that be may to the Successful.
Arabic Qur'an 24 Light (An-Nur)
And the use of mu'minâti yagdudne lil min ebsârihinne and yahfazne furûcehunne, and la yubdîne zînetehunneillâ maÅ zahera minha, vel yadribne superb bi humurihinne cuyûbihinne, and la yubdîne zînetehunne âbâihinne home or else home with Abaie buûletihinne buûletihinne ebnâi buûletihinne home home home ebnâihinne ıhvânihinne Home My ıhvânihinne home My ehavâtihinne home nisâihinne home maÅ meleket eymânuhunne Ulil irbeti informal miner's dignitaries Evite Evite tâbiîne tıflillezîne yazharû superb operation Avrat April, and la yadribne bi li erculihinne yu'leme maÅ yuhfîne min zînetihinn (zînetihinne), and tubular ilâllâhi cemîan eyyuhel leallekum mu'minûne tuflihûn (tuflihûne).