So the US is basically a war-mongering country with only it's interests in mind, regardless of loss of life of other peoples.
We wanted siege mentality by allowing the attacks to happen.
Obviously we suck at intelligence, or the intelligence community is doing exactly what it is suppose to.
What is better than a phantom enemy known as al-qaida!!!
They are here, wait no , no they are there, those guys help them, they support them, they are from there!
I check under my bed for al-qaida before I go to bed, the US is full of ignorant citizens.
They should be worried about other things and not fictitious enemies.
By invading Iraq and afgah, did the us prevent any us deaths, probably not, but they caused a lot more... mission FAILED. (in the sense the mission was to protect life) (Accomplished in the imperialist reasons )
We wanted siege mentality by allowing the attacks to happen.
Obviously we suck at intelligence, or the intelligence community is doing exactly what it is suppose to.
What is better than a phantom enemy known as al-qaida!!!
They are here, wait no , no they are there, those guys help them, they support them, they are from there!
I check under my bed for al-qaida before I go to bed, the US is full of ignorant citizens.
They should be worried about other things and not fictitious enemies.
By invading Iraq and afgah, did the us prevent any us deaths, probably not, but they caused a lot more... mission FAILED. (in the sense the mission was to protect life) (Accomplished in the imperialist reasons )