I smoke off and on. I can say that even as a smoker I prefer restaurants to be free of smoke. I in fact rarely smoke inside, I don't like the way it hangs in the air. I don't mind the anti-smoking ads, because if it prevents a teenager from picking up the habit, then it's worth it. I have been smoking again for a few months and will not let my 11 year old see me smoke, I doubt she knows that I do. I don't want her to pick it up herself. I wish I had never done it as a child. I do, however, have a problem with people who go on their anti-smoking tirades. I'm quite aware of the dangers and it's my personal choice. I've had a couple of friends give me a real hard time for smoking and it's incredibly annoying.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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