Creatures like our dearest nishy routinely display their inability to comprehend, yet proudly pageant parroted prattle passed off as picture perfect precision.
It is righteously divine for them to insult, abuse, and disrespect those with differing opinions, but complete disgraceful blasphemy when those mossacians switch feet.
When faced with questions their stupid little playbook is not capable of answering, they either completely ignore it, or they cry that meanies hurt their wittwe feel feels. Either way, they hide behind something.
It is righteously divine for them to insult, abuse, and disrespect those with differing opinions, but complete disgraceful blasphemy when those mossacians switch feet.
When faced with questions their stupid little playbook is not capable of answering, they either completely ignore it, or they cry that meanies hurt their wittwe feel feels. Either way, they hide behind something.