RE: Good Faith Media: Global Christian Population to reach 3.3 BN by 2050.
July 28, 2023 at 2:33 am
Lol. Some kind of Freudian Psycho-Analysis I see. Wrong as usual. God is just if He send us to hell even if we commit one single mortal sin, because each single mortal sin is like repeating the Great Crime of Deicide, which Judas committed, the sin of killing God, because Mortal Sin kills the Presence of God within us. And yet, God hardly does that, but gives us ample time and space to repent, like He gave it to that traitor Judas, the betrayer and murderer of the Son of God, who killed his Loving Friend Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ washed his feet along with the other 12 Apostles at the Last Supper, in a Last, Desperate Attempt to save the Traitor/Murderer's Soul, and yet that Murderer did not repent of the Murder in his heart. Jesus Christ gave him Holy Communion along with the other 12 Apostles, and ultimately, though they were weak, that made them Saints and Martyrs, now glorisouly reigning with Christ, and enjoying Eternal Happiness since the time of their deaths for Christ 2000 years ago; not Judas. He, through his own hardened heart that wanted to continue in sin, both killed Christ and then freely chose to die in final impenitence. He is the model of how much Christ works to save every single soul as He did for Judas.