RE: Good Faith Media: Global Christian Population to reach 3.3 BN by 2050.
July 29, 2023 at 1:16 am
Not to mention combatting and overthrowing all errors and heresies, by Evangelism, Disputations, Philosophy and Argument, without which the Light of Goodness can never ultimately prevail over the Darkness of Error and Evil in this world. Hence, right from Christ, who disputed with the Pharisees and won all His Debates with them, infallibly proving from the Scriptures that the Messiah was supposed to be Divine, e.g. in Mat 22 where He cites Psa 110:1 to prove it, and from St. Paul, who also debated with the Jews in the Synagogues immediately after his Conversion to Christ, and also with certain Pagan Philosophers in Athens, Christianity has always engaged in Rational Argumentation as a means for the Confirmation and Demonstration of Truth and Refutation of Errors.