RE: Good Faith Media: Global Christian Population to reach 3.3 BN by 2050.
July 30, 2023 at 7:04 am
Btw, do you know the current Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, after discussions and Much Love shared between him and His Holiness Pope Francis, said that the Re-Union of the Catholic and Orthodox Churches is in-evitable? Hallelujah! What an Amazing Triumph coveted for a 1000 years since the Schisms of Photius and Caerularius.
"Mt. Athos, November 27, 2019 – On November 12, Patriarch Bartholomew participated in the Vespers service at the Catholic Abbey of Our Lady of St. Rémy in Rochefort, Belgium, together with Archimandrite Alexios, the abbot of Xenophontos Monastery, and Hieromonk Theophilos of Pantocrator Monastery, both on Mt. Athos.
According to a new report from the Union of Orthodox Journalists, during his trip to Mt. Athos the previous month, Pat. Bartholomew attempted to convince several Athonite abbots and monks that there are no dogmatic differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and that reunion with the Catholic church is inevitable."
"Mt. Athos, November 27, 2019 – On November 12, Patriarch Bartholomew participated in the Vespers service at the Catholic Abbey of Our Lady of St. Rémy in Rochefort, Belgium, together with Archimandrite Alexios, the abbot of Xenophontos Monastery, and Hieromonk Theophilos of Pantocrator Monastery, both on Mt. Athos.
According to a new report from the Union of Orthodox Journalists, during his trip to Mt. Athos the previous month, Pat. Bartholomew attempted to convince several Athonite abbots and monks that there are no dogmatic differences between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and that reunion with the Catholic church is inevitable."