RE: Good Faith Media: Global Christian Population to reach 3.3 BN by 2050.
July 30, 2023 at 12:05 pm
I debate and discuss decently and politely with all who do the same to me, just as I do in real life when I proclaim the Gospel. I would like to post on the Internet no differently than I speak to a person face to face IRL, but some just won't do that to me. They'll call me all sorts of names. Then, I too lose my temper some times, though I'd prefer not to.
Yup, you got what SVism is correct. I've written an article on its Theological Refutation. It's a hopeless crazy theory that there's been no Pope for 65+years.
It can be refuted Theologically from Vatican I Dogma on St. Peter's Perpetual Successors.
Yup, you got what SVism is correct. I've written an article on its Theological Refutation. It's a hopeless crazy theory that there's been no Pope for 65+years.
It can be refuted Theologically from Vatican I Dogma on St. Peter's Perpetual Successors.