A little tiny bit of search and this idea comes from a self-proclaimed conservative and likens everything on the Internet to porn.
Not sure what you are looking for as far as answers go.
The Internet is a tool. What you make of your experience is up to you (the global you).
I like the interactions here and I like keeping up with friends and family that are miles away on other social media. As a kid I had pen pals...about the only difference is that I had met most of them in person. Now I can interact with people I know IRL and those I don't, some I would like to know IRL, and some - not so much.
Not sure what you are looking for as far as answers go.
The Internet is a tool. What you make of your experience is up to you (the global you).
I like the interactions here and I like keeping up with friends and family that are miles away on other social media. As a kid I had pen pals...about the only difference is that I had met most of them in person. Now I can interact with people I know IRL and those I don't, some I would like to know IRL, and some - not so much.