(January 2, 2012 at 5:30 pm)chipan Wrote: ok fine i'll give the answer. he inteanded for the fall of man b/c he wanted to give man choice to follow him or not. our time on earth is a test and how well we do deturmines our place in heaven. as for the flood, i believe the fallen angels had some role in that. he gave angels a choice too.
how can you have a choice when an all powerful, all knowing god who has a plan runs the universe? He would automatically know every single decision you would make thousands of years before you were born, and since he has a plan then freewill is merely an illusion. god planned for you to make all of them decisions.
As far as God testing humans, thats stupid. Is your god incapable of knowing the future? Is your god incapable of knowing everything? If your god knows EVERYTHING, then why does he need to test people. Tests are for determining what decisions someone will make. God knows EVERYTHING. So he knows what decisions you are going to make before you even make them.
Angels have freewill? So that means angels can do things without the knowledge of God? Or did god know they were going to rebel? Was the rebelion part of gods plan? Well, god knows EVERYTHING, and if he honestly doesnt want something to happen he would not let it happen. God new the angels would rebel before he even created them, yet he created them anyways, which means God created his angels to rebel.
honestly dude...you arent much of a deep thinker are you?