RE: Why don't conservatives see that welfare programs are good for society as a whole?
January 5, 2012 at 7:26 pm
At the root of the issue, you shouldn't need such wide spread social welfare. In our current situation these people would likely die without social welfare though, so it is very important at this point in history.
So while extending social welfare programs, they need to simultaneously figure out a way so people don't NEED social welfare. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all work for a living wage, and only one job! All these people working 2-3 jobs just to survive all while eating McMeals, American Exceptionalism!
The government is in debt, but its not the poor people that made it that way(you must look at who benefits the most, obviously not the poor).... when you look at that in perspective, the balls of some of these politicians to blame poor people for the countries economic problems is crazy, hence why a good portion are sociopaths.
How much does a bomb cost? How much does it cost to drop it on another country?
Well US's contribution to the preposterously named Operation Unified Protector(Libya Offensive) is costing: as of 3 June, Washington had spent $398.3m on bombs and missiles alone. Estimated total for all Libya intervention about a billion dollars(30 Sept 2011). 400 Million to blow stuff up.... but these damn poor people in the US who want to eat food and have a place to live drain the economy hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha
So while extending social welfare programs, they need to simultaneously figure out a way so people don't NEED social welfare. Wouldn't it be nice if we could all work for a living wage, and only one job! All these people working 2-3 jobs just to survive all while eating McMeals, American Exceptionalism!
The government is in debt, but its not the poor people that made it that way(you must look at who benefits the most, obviously not the poor).... when you look at that in perspective, the balls of some of these politicians to blame poor people for the countries economic problems is crazy, hence why a good portion are sociopaths.
How much does a bomb cost? How much does it cost to drop it on another country?
Well US's contribution to the preposterously named Operation Unified Protector(Libya Offensive) is costing: as of 3 June, Washington had spent $398.3m on bombs and missiles alone. Estimated total for all Libya intervention about a billion dollars(30 Sept 2011). 400 Million to blow stuff up.... but these damn poor people in the US who want to eat food and have a place to live drain the economy hahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahaha