Anto Kennedy honestly speaking without the gospels narratives about Jesus you have squat.The whole foundation of christianity crumbles due to lack of evidence.The gospels are not only unreliable but they are as stated by minimalist of dubious authorship.In fact till about the middle of the second century these books were presented anonymously and were it is believed given those names later on.One of the requirements of the canon for a book to be considered inspired was that it had to be written by an apostle of Jesus or a disciple of one of Jesus's apostles.This may be the reason that those names were later appended to the synoptic gospels of Matthew,Mark,Luke and the gospel of John.Oral traditions change with the passage of time sometimes drastically and tend to be exaggerated.
The scribes that copied and edited the scriptures also did so with bias based on their own beliefs and this helps account for the many contradictions in the narratives.Now if you really want to have fun read the story of the cruci-fiction and the resurrection.There is so much contradiction in just those two stories that it's rediculous to believe that someone with half a brain could believe them.
The scribes that copied and edited the scriptures also did so with bias based on their own beliefs and this helps account for the many contradictions in the narratives.Now if you really want to have fun read the story of the cruci-fiction and the resurrection.There is so much contradiction in just those two stories that it's rediculous to believe that someone with half a brain could believe them.
There is nothing people will not maintain when they are slaves to superstition