![[Image: 416960_631995525769_202804811_32092983_1906208747_n.jpg]](https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/416960_631995525769_202804811_32092983_1906208747_n.jpg)
Religion is not the answer-it is the problem. Everything considered, we would be better off without it.~Baubles of Blasphemy~Edwin F. Kagin
"Much better to have the ability to think critically, than the ability to quote scripture. One says you have a functioning mind. The other says you're a parrot." -- The Secular Buddhist
"Much better to have the ability to think critically, than the ability to quote scripture. One says you have a functioning mind. The other says you're a parrot." -- The Secular Buddhist