Quote:No. We know that God has active intellect because he is pure actuality;Evidence please. Not your own assertions.
Quote:active intellect consists exactly of his ontologically informative actualisation, or apprehension, as in the abstract actualisation that intellection consists of, rather than a potential intellect abstractly actualising things informed by already-existing ontological entities, which is not possible for pure actuality, since pure actuality is the informer of the existence of those things, rather than being even partially the informed one, like human intellects.
Oh joy, psychobabble and you don't even know how to spell actualization. You do realize that your fancy language impresses no one, that we can understand what you're saying which eventually amounts to a whole lot of nothing. Circular reasoning at it's finest.
You can insist all you want that an intelligent mind of God has all the properties you claim it does, but that doesn't make it true until you provide empirical evidence.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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