The idea of stem cells being used for medical purposes scares the piss out of the christians and MUSlims and JEWS, and you wanna know why?
Because it will mean that science, not god, will perform the miracle of giving amputees their limbs back. It will be the ultimate piece of evidence that science, not god, is what cures all ills.
Has anyone ever noticed that, by the way? Miracles are supposedly performed ALL the time! People with diseases suddenly are magically cured!
...So do tell me why no amputee has ever in the entire history of mankind ever grown a limb back, hmm? What, are miracles just reserved for only the brainwashed-and-of-whole-body?
Because it will mean that science, not god, will perform the miracle of giving amputees their limbs back. It will be the ultimate piece of evidence that science, not god, is what cures all ills.
Has anyone ever noticed that, by the way? Miracles are supposedly performed ALL the time! People with diseases suddenly are magically cured!
...So do tell me why no amputee has ever in the entire history of mankind ever grown a limb back, hmm? What, are miracles just reserved for only the brainwashed-and-of-whole-body?