Ah, yes tiberius i suppose i could have chosen my words a little more carefully there. I guess everybody believes in something its just that atheists dont believe that God exists. What I dont understand i suppose is the hostility shown to believers. I can certainly understand if somebody gets uppity because you choose not to believe as they do. For me personally I have a few friends that do not believe and I do not let that define who they are as a person. We get along just fine because we have alot in common as well. Its just weird to me to take a militant stance on something simply because of a view that you hold because sombody dosent agree with you. Im sure that there are plenty of militant atheists that are that way because of experiences they have had with christians but I ask you not to judge all of us because of the actions of a few. even the 12 disciples had a bad apple in there midst

Islam has killed millions in the last decade, lets focus all attention on Christianity!