(April 29, 2012 at 1:37 pm)gringoperry Wrote: Alas, I cannot convince you that there is a god, as I have tried to convince myself and failed miserably. However, I am 99.9 percent certain that if there is a god they are not as described by any of our major religions. Furthermore, anyone who thinks that a being which created the entire universe is so simplistic, fallible, prone to hissy fits and as insecure as those described by our major religions, is seriously deluded. For me, that only leaves science or some sort of supreme conscious energy. The former hasn't given us all the answers to the origins of the universe, but we're getting pretty close. The latter, if I'm honest, is my way of hanging onto the hope that there is a god out there, somewhere. Incidentally, if I ever meet the fucker, they are going to get seriously bitch-slapped.
You "hope" (and admit it!) that there is something out there, is the sum total of your belief system? You'll be atheist within weeks.
You are currently experiencing a lucky and very brief window of awareness, sandwiched in between two periods of timeless and utter nothingness. So why not make the most of it, and stop wasting your life away trying to convince other people that there is something else? The reality is obvious.