There are countless arguments against hell, great thing about that is the place doesn't exist, so it doesn't fucking matter. The difference between god and a human parent is that most human parents don't fucking stone their children to death for not listening, or turn them into a pile of salt for looking back when they've been told not to. When human parents kill their children, they get life in prison. When is your god to be sentenced? Who is to sentence him? Nobody? Nobody has the "divine right" to sentence god, right? Well to shit with divine right, I'll sentence him to a million milleniums on earth with all of the "chaos" he has supposedly created. Being that he created everything, everything that happens here is a mere extention of him, unoless you bring up the concept of free will (and I just know you will!). So, lets do that and see how he does with that one.
“Whoever will be free must make himself free. Freedom is no fairy gift to fall into a man's lap. What is freedom? To have the will to be responsible for one's self.” - Max Stirner.