1) You having only seen two reports in your life doesn't mean it doesn't happen, or that it is rare. There is a massive social stigma attached to being a man and admitting to being raped. More often than not, they are laughed at and not taken seriously. This is simply not the case with women rape victims.
2) Again, strength is only part of it. There are many other ways to rape someone. I disagree with your assertion that a woman who tells a man to have sex with her, else she'd say he raped her, is not rape. If the reverse happened, and a man told a woman to have sex with him, else he'd brand her a "slut" or say she'd committed some other kind of crime, would that not be rape? Rape should be, quite simply, non-consensual sex. Being forced into doing something in no way means you are consenting.
3) I don't understand your emphasis on "truly". You do realise that most rapes happen in the home right? Rape is rape. It doesn't become "more rape-ish" if it happens outdoors, or in some secluded area under cover of darkness.
4) I'm pretty sure we all understand the basics of what rape is. It's non-consensual sex. It shouldn't matter if the person not giving consent is a man or a woman. No should mean no. Not saying yes should mean no. Being unable to consent for whatever reason should mean no.
1) You having only seen two reports in your life doesn't mean it doesn't happen, or that it is rare. There is a massive social stigma attached to being a man and admitting to being raped. More often than not, they are laughed at and not taken seriously. This is simply not the case with women rape victims.
2) Again, strength is only part of it. There are many other ways to rape someone. I disagree with your assertion that a woman who tells a man to have sex with her, else she'd say he raped her, is not rape. If the reverse happened, and a man told a woman to have sex with him, else he'd brand her a "slut" or say she'd committed some other kind of crime, would that not be rape? Rape should be, quite simply, non-consensual sex. Being forced into doing something in no way means you are consenting.
3) I don't understand your emphasis on "truly". You do realise that most rapes happen in the home right? Rape is rape. It doesn't become "more rape-ish" if it happens outdoors, or in some secluded area under cover of darkness.
4) I'm pretty sure we all understand the basics of what rape is. It's non-consensual sex. It shouldn't matter if the person not giving consent is a man or a woman. No should mean no. Not saying yes should mean no. Being unable to consent for whatever reason should mean no.