First of all, those are all baseless assertions. While science often suggests that a thing appears to work in one way or another, it doesn't just leave it at that and accept the supposition as an absolute model. We are reinventing the wheel every day. If it was left up to believers we'd still be exorcising demons to cure the sick, as a common medical practice; offering sacrifices to volcanoes, and concluding that the practice is what keeps them from constantly erupting; and, believing that the sun is a God, just because it's all shiny and warm and shit.
The reason that video is only 50 seconds long is because it is making wild claims then jumping to conclusions, without offering that all important middle part - you know, valid evidence and proof.
The reason that video is only 50 seconds long is because it is making wild claims then jumping to conclusions, without offering that all important middle part - you know, valid evidence and proof.