I really should have seen the facepalm moment coming when I realized the OP was serious and posting a 50 second video.
That argument is filled with so many logical fallacies and blatant ignorance of what they're talking about that my head hurts. First off, get some goddamn evidence before you come parading around stating something, the God of Gaps doesn't work here or on anyone with a frackin' brain that functions as it should. Again a claim is not evidence to support the claim.
-Shakes head-
That argument is filled with so many logical fallacies and blatant ignorance of what they're talking about that my head hurts. First off, get some goddamn evidence before you come parading around stating something, the God of Gaps doesn't work here or on anyone with a frackin' brain that functions as it should. Again a claim is not evidence to support the claim.
-Shakes head-