You may call me Shane, it being a more formal name of mine. My typical forum-going occurs in the MyMag section of Myyearbook. If you ever wish to find a place with a highly uppity, numerous, young, uninformed, fickle, active, and easily aroused audience to troll with, there being an almost non-existent chance of substantial discussion, that is your place; a forum there rarely goes more than a few seconds without a new comment, to say nothing of the forums as a whole. Excellent pickings. 
Needless to say, I'm out of element and may be what is a hopeless noob in such a forum as this. I rarely get along with Atheists as it is, regardless of being one myself, and particularly not as a group. Group-mentality is a real turn-off. ;D However, I would hate to shy from a challenge.
I'm looking forward to furthering my forum exploits with you all.

Needless to say, I'm out of element and may be what is a hopeless noob in such a forum as this. I rarely get along with Atheists as it is, regardless of being one myself, and particularly not as a group. Group-mentality is a real turn-off. ;D However, I would hate to shy from a challenge.
I'm looking forward to furthering my forum exploits with you all.