Quote:I am not closed minded at all. I may look like a fool to you but that doesn't make me a fool.
"Open minded" by definition means being open to new ideas. Name ONE new idea you've accepted since being on this forum. Most of are us closed minded in some ways. EG I am completely closed minded about child molestors. I despise them and sincerley believe they should be killed,even though I am utterly opposed to the death penalty in principle.. That's emotion,not subject to reason.
I did NOT say you ARE a fool only that you seem like one to me.[most of the time] Not being a mind reader,I can only assess others on what they they say and and do.
In my opinion,it's foolish to claim personal absolutes,such as "I'm not closed minded at all".Some of your posts demonstrate the exact opposite EG your notions on poverty and universal health cover seem heavy on emotion but light on fact,with a refusal to consider alternative views..By "alternative views" I mean; read a few studies on poverty in the US,speak to a health economist. Informed opinion is a based on fact,not FOX News or hyperbole from vested interests [from any side]
Capitalism is pragmatic,especially and I benefit from it.I do not want to change it for that reason. But there is a significant alternative view which argues capitalism is immoral by its a nature .Perhaps the most brilliant and lucid explanation of that view is in Karl Marx's "Capital".If you're so open minded,consider going to a library and reading few chapters. Perhaps on concepts such as"exchange value", "alienation" and "false consciousness". Alternatively, Wiki has some reasonable articles on each.
My apologies if you've already read Marx or Mao, or Franz Fanon's powerful "The Wretched Of The Earth", and rejected them.