(July 26, 2012 at 10:22 am)Rhythm Wrote: Okay....here we go. I'm going to suggest something heretical......
Whenever we end up on this topic Day After Tommorrow shit seems inevitable. We assume the worst, talk about the droughts and the storms etc. It's almost as if we're assuming that climate change is a unilateral bad scenario. That sounds a bit like the earth punishing us, don't you think? All bad, all the time, never any other side of the coin. You know we'd suffer much more if we went deep freeze -aridity- than we would by any amount of warming. Warming has historically fostered the greatest explosions of life ever seen on this planet...the densest flora, the greatest amount of fauna. I can't help but notice that there is something not altogether reasonable going on when we start to flirt with climate apocalypse. The psuedo apocalypse bit should be the canary in the mines..that's just my opinion. Storms and droughts and tornadoes and famine...why not just invoke the locusts already ffs?
-late edit- Okay, I grew up in S. Florida, when you guys think of "stronger storms" I have a sneaking suspicion that it doesn't even approach the shit a great many people ride out on their porch beer in hand- and yet civilization remains-food production continues. The temp was over 100 and over 90% humidity for nearly three decades of my life more often than it was under 90 or 70%humidity - despite their being a record decade long drought smack dab in the middle of that......even with that much moisture in the air..interesting isn't it? Sure, areas get devastated time to time, but that's the cost of living here. I'm not trying to downplay natural disasters or our effect on the environment in the least, both are priority concerns as far as I'm concerned. I just don't see how the chicken little approach does anything to alleviate any problem whatsoever.
I have never watched The Day After Tomorrow and do not intend to. I am basing my predictions of a high likelyhood of sudden climate change through what has been discovered through the field of Paleoclimatology. Although such a sudden climate change event would be still over a period of several years.
Also I cannot comment how a sudden warming event in the next century or two will affect other forms of life. However it would be a major disruption to human civilization, unless we either prepare for it or try and prevent it from happening.