Quote:The consensus view maintained across publications in peer-reviewed academic journals that are concerned with Mesoamerican and other pre-Columbian research is that the Olmec and their achievements arose from influences and traditions that were wholly indigenous to the region, or at least the New World, and there is no reliable material evidence to suggest otherwise.
Until the last 20 years the consensus view of the populating of the Americas involved walking across a land bridge in Siberia and down to the tip of South America. The Clovis-Firsters are going the way of the dodo, now.
But what is really troubling in that Wiki write up is this: "Many are more critical and regard the promotion of such unfounded theories as a form of ethnocentric racism at the expense of indigenous Americans.["
Science should go where the evidence leads and not worry about offending the superstitions of indigenous people who, apparently, are indigenous only in the sense that they were here before the whites.