Or you can challenge in off-topic, or you can challenge in any thread. Some debates can be started by ongoing conversations that turn into a debate challenge. It doesn't just have to be in a PM. However you challenge your opponent is up to you, as long as you don't disrupt the forums. It's only once the challengers have been decided that you deal with rest in PM with the admins.
However, I see Arcanus's point Adrian, it doesn't specifically point out in the Debate area that you need to PM an admin to actually get the debate going. You might want to correct that and clarify.
However, I see Arcanus's point Adrian, it doesn't specifically point out in the Debate area that you need to PM an admin to actually get the debate going. You might want to correct that and clarify.
"The way to see by faith is to shut the eye of reason." Benjamin Franklin
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