RE: RNC nut throwing racism.
August 31, 2012 at 2:10 pm
(This post was last modified: August 31, 2012 at 3:06 pm by Tiberius.)
(August 31, 2012 at 12:24 am)cratehorus Wrote: Ron Paul is a neo naziIncorrect.
Quote:who wants to abolish the civil rights act...because he believes it is unconstitutional since it affects the private sector. A number of Supreme Court decisions agree with him in this area. His reasons for opposing the legislation have nothing to do with a disdain for civil rights; he's a libertarian...civil rights are his main focus, hence his opposition to the PATRIOT act, to give just one example.
Quote:the voting rights act...because it contained sections that affected property rights.
Quote:affirmative actionMaking a decision to hire someone based solely on the colour of their skin is racist, end of story. Two wrongs do not make a right. Affirmative action is disgusting legislation that punishes qualified people because of the colour of their skin.
Quote:women's suffrage[citation needed]
Quote:the minimum wageAbolishing the minimum wage allows for the creation of menial jobs that are simply not worth whatever the minimum wage is set to. They allow for the growth of small business, and they get people into work who would otherwise be sitting at home.
Quote:child labor laws...for jobs which children are perfectly competent at. Most of us had paper rounds, some of us worked sweeping floors. Ron Paul worked for his family as a child, helping out on the farm. He opposes legislation that would restrict or outlaw this.
Quote:social securityWhich is unconstitutional since everyone is required by law to pay it. People who want it should have it, and it can be provided by private sector institutions just as easily.
Quote:medicare, medicaid, welfare, unemployment insurance, any and all labor safety, or enviromental protection groups like Osha or the FDA...Numerous reasons why each is either currently in a bad state or should not be the responsibility of the government.
Quote:This is all without mentioning the fact that he's a rabid anti-semite[citation needed]
Quote:who tells people letting Iran have nuclear weapons is somehow "non-interventionism"It is. Interventionism is exactly what we are doing now: telling them they can't have such weapons. We are intervening on their business. The last time I checked, we aren't at war with Iran, and there is no reason to impose such sanctions. Bullying other countries because you have nukes is not the right way to go about foreign policy.
Quote:and has 20 something accusations of involvement with white supremacists, from letting them work on his campaign, to accepting donations from the leader of the KKK, and refusing to give it back after numerous jewish organizations demanded..... Obama however gave back campaign donations just because it was from someone who was, sued for not paying his rent, at a luxury condo complex.....Oh wow, so you're telling me this guy doesn't mind what you believe, or how you spend your money, even if what you believe and how you spend your money is completely legal? Yeah...sounds like a real nasty character. Get real.
It's called "fact checking". You should try it some time.