(September 15, 2009 at 9:26 pm)theblindferrengi Wrote: the only thing remotely close to what god is suposedly, that exists or has the posibility of existing is: time, and time fits quite a few of the charachteristics god is explained as; all knowing, no begining no end, is everywhere, is all powerful, nobody understands etc.Most stupid fucking thing I've ever heard (and we have people who believe in God here). Time is not all-knowing, Big Bang theory states it had a beginning, you don't know it has no end (just because it ain't happened yet doesn't mean it won't), it's not everywhere (time is relative, and black hole theory states that time is non-existent on the event horizon of a black hole, it's not all powerful (seriously, wtf?).
It's true that nobody understands it, but that doesn't mean it is a God. We don't understand 99.99999999% of the universe. All you've shown is a deep misunderstanding of time yourself, so maybe a little research before you post garbage next time?