Hmmm...that's a tough one. I've heard of a study where a part of the brain corresponding to a certain action lit up noticibly before the action took place, but what about if the environment changed between the light up and the action? Would it be impossible to change your mind? I don't think it would. I know that hormones and other impulses have some effect on you, and that you are influenced by past experiences, but I think that there is enough you can control for there to be free will. For example, you can choose to resist your biological instincts. If we were complete slaves to them we would always be acting on them. This, however, brings up an interesting question: How complex must an organism be before it has free will? (For instance do any animals have free will, and if so what is the least complex one that does)
John Adams Wrote:The Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion.