I don't know whether or not Obama is really religious, I suspect that he just went to that crazy ass church of his because it was originally his wife's church. You know what I can't stand though, is when Obama refers to Atheists and Agnostics as 'people of no faith.' Jesus on a stick, is his hair going to catch on fire if he says the word Atheist?
I also can't stand the Atheists who give him so much credit just for (kinda) mentioning us. I don't care about my existence being acknowledged. I knew that I existed before Obama (kinda) mentioned me. What I want him to do is repeal all the 'faith based' programs that essentially result in us dumping millions of dollars into the churches. But what does he do? He dumps MORE money into them, almost twice as much and George Bush. That is the religious issue that should really matter, the government stealing our money and giving it to Churches. Where Atheists did endless bashing on George Bush for this, there is a deafening silence when it comes to Obama.
I also can't stand the Atheists who give him so much credit just for (kinda) mentioning us. I don't care about my existence being acknowledged. I knew that I existed before Obama (kinda) mentioned me. What I want him to do is repeal all the 'faith based' programs that essentially result in us dumping millions of dollars into the churches. But what does he do? He dumps MORE money into them, almost twice as much and George Bush. That is the religious issue that should really matter, the government stealing our money and giving it to Churches. Where Atheists did endless bashing on George Bush for this, there is a deafening silence when it comes to Obama.