I`m currently reading a book on german medieval literature and finished the chapter on "Parzival". Wich is a kind of german King Arthur, wich tells the story of a knight called Parzival who is the seaker and later protector of the holy grale. But before that story is told the writer tells the story of his father "Gahmuret", who went to Bagdad, were he marries the black "Belakane" and has a son with her, now this is where it get`s weird.
That child, called "Feirefiz" has white skin with black spots. ............. like a dalmatian.
Since coming across the character "Caliban" in Shakespears "The Tempest", I have never seen such a obvious depiction of Ignorance!
I tried to find a pic on the internet and failed.
When usualy arguing with christians i always at some point say: "Well we no longer believe that the earth is flat, that we must go on crusade and burn wiches."
Now I can add: "Barack Obama is not a Dalmatian"
That child, called "Feirefiz" has white skin with black spots. ............. like a dalmatian.
Since coming across the character "Caliban" in Shakespears "The Tempest", I have never seen such a obvious depiction of Ignorance!
I tried to find a pic on the internet and failed.
When usualy arguing with christians i always at some point say: "Well we no longer believe that the earth is flat, that we must go on crusade and burn wiches."
Now I can add: "Barack Obama is not a Dalmatian"