I'm sorry, but I can't stop looking at that site; I know I shouldn't but I am helpless with hilarity! Wait, Wait, Wait... check this out:
I mean, come on!! Where do these atheists get off wanting a society honoring equality, where atheists are free to say whatever they like, where people can just have fun whenever they like!!11!!
On a separate note, there is one poster there; Viole, who continues to escape banning.
I am never needlessly cynical, but am wondering: why is a Swedish, violin playing female non-believer tolerated where a male Aussie thong wearing Grommet non-believer is not??
Quote:My question is, why do self confessed non-believers, athiests who deny the existence of God, come to Christian boards. Most I have encountered do nothing but stir the pot amongst believers. Why do we even tolerate them at all? Many state, "I once was a believer, I was raised a Christian, etc.
They seem to know more than even God has revealed in Scripture? "I dont believe in the death sentence, I believe women should have the right to have an abortion, I believe religion should be kept out of schools, I believe in gay marriage," and on they go!!!!!!!!!!
Many come up with statments like this, "Our vision is of a society where religion is not privileged, one that lives and grows through evidence-based reasoning and secular values. A society where atheism is visible and accepted and atheists have equal rights and voices.
We want to engage the wider community, not isolate ourselves from it. We seek a level playing field with religious organisation. We don’t discriminate against religious people or seek special status ourselves, and we value the spirit of free enquiry. We work through education, activism and by representing the voice of reason and voices of atheism in public debate. We also get together to celebrate life and have fun.
I mean, come on!! Where do these atheists get off wanting a society honoring equality, where atheists are free to say whatever they like, where people can just have fun whenever they like!!11!!
On a separate note, there is one poster there; Viole, who continues to escape banning.
I am never needlessly cynical, but am wondering: why is a Swedish, violin playing female non-believer tolerated where a male Aussie thong wearing Grommet non-believer is not??