(November 1, 2012 at 4:01 pm)Darkstar Wrote: Care to define either of those?Sure. His desirous will is what he wants. His sovereign will is what he permits (and is called permissive will by some).
When someone murders another, that’s within god’s sovereign will, but against his desirous will.
Quote:If god granted us dominion over the earth, then why are you complaining that we eat other animals?I’m not. I recognize that we have rights over lesser creatures. I likewise recognize that God, as the greater being and creator, has rights over us. If you recognize the first, on what basis do you deny the second?
Quote:It really isn't that difficult of a concept.Obviously, if you’re using it.
Quote:but I'll clarify it.Yes, lack of clarity is the problem.
Quote:Let's say you magically create two errr...something...let's just say foxes. One male and one female. You then release them into the wild. Pretending that inscest doesn't result in birth defects (like the Noah's ark story so graciously does) these foxes reproduce many times, eventually populating a large area. Many years later, you go into that area and claim all of the foxes living there as pets. You didn't create them; you only created the initial two. Yet, you feel entitled to them all. God only created Adam and Eve, everyone else is a result of procreation. The question is this: Why does god claim ownership of all 6 billion+ humans alive if he only ever created two, who are both dead?We haven’t created any animals. On what basis do we claim rights to their lives?