Despite my atheism, if I remove God's invocation at the beginning, I love the wisdom of the Serenity Prayer. This helps with sorting out the intellectual side; however, when my emotions elicit a physical anxiety I used to take $20 to the local batting cage and hit 90mph fastballs until I ripped my the calluses off my hands. I did this one night after about five years of no physical activity and found the next day my obliques to be so sore that I could hardly wipe my own ass.
Today I shed the physical part by grabbing some beer, cranking the amp up to just below the level of breaking windows, and violently play the most aggressive music I know. I don't think I can adequately describe my sense of relief and peace when I'm finished. Pure clarity follows.
Today I shed the physical part by grabbing some beer, cranking the amp up to just below the level of breaking windows, and violently play the most aggressive music I know. I don't think I can adequately describe my sense of relief and peace when I'm finished. Pure clarity follows.