You got it pretty much but we are just niggling over definitions which is fine because my idea is simply a thought experiment that isn't backed up by math or anything. I think of the three dimensions as space with tz being duration and then two dimensions to account for choice tx and tz. So maybe one for intelligent choices and one for naturalistic potentials? admittedly there probably isn't a great need for the ty other than the ease of the concept of perceiving from a six dimensional perspective with the three physical dimensions being perceived as points. By slice I meant this moment as expressed by an infinite plane tx by ty.
You got it pretty much but we are just niggling over definitions which is fine because my idea is simply a thought experiment that isn't backed up by math or anything. I think of the three dimensions as space with tz being duration and then two dimensions to account for choice tx and tz. So maybe one for intelligent choices and one for naturalistic potentials? admittedly there probably isn't a great need for the ty other than the ease of the concept of perceiving from a six dimensional perspective with the three physical dimensions being perceived as points. By slice I meant this moment as expressed by an infinite plane tx by ty.