A year has 8766 hours.
31940 people in US died due to gun releated injuries in 2011.
258 of does were due to legal intervention.
851 were accidents.
19766 were suicides.
11101 were homicides.
222 in undedermined events.
That means 3 gun releated deaths per hour in 2011 and 1,2 gun releated homicides per hour.
If you are going to use every single one of these gun releated deaths to open a thread in which you try to debate gun control, you are nothing but a vulture exploiting tragedy.
And I for one, will be more interested in the number of rice bags which fell over in China in that hour.
The subject was extensivly debated, I posted my opinion. Others did so aswell, and even debated their points until the momentum faded off.
Only because the threads turned silent this doesnt mean that there is need for a new one, let alone that a new thread on the subject will regain the momentum for the debate.
31940 people in US died due to gun releated injuries in 2011.
258 of does were due to legal intervention.
851 were accidents.
19766 were suicides.
11101 were homicides.
222 in undedermined events.
That means 3 gun releated deaths per hour in 2011 and 1,2 gun releated homicides per hour.
If you are going to use every single one of these gun releated deaths to open a thread in which you try to debate gun control, you are nothing but a vulture exploiting tragedy.
And I for one, will be more interested in the number of rice bags which fell over in China in that hour.
The subject was extensivly debated, I posted my opinion. Others did so aswell, and even debated their points until the momentum faded off.
Only because the threads turned silent this doesnt mean that there is need for a new one, let alone that a new thread on the subject will regain the momentum for the debate.