LOL! It's funny how we play! God is supposed to fit in our own little box of toys...and IF he won't? He doesn't exist.
Michael the archangel (while tossing Lucifer into the pit) exclaimed, "Who is like God?"
The angels were God's first experiment (if you will?)... we see how that turned out.
They were either His robot, or wanted what was His....How are we any different?
Well for one, we live by Faith, or as in most cases in this forum, w/o Faith. The men in scripture of the [old testament] were actually "supermen of faith". That is why God revealed Himself to them. Was it all planned? Yes, and no! Each of those men were given a choice. Each of those men failed at something in their time. The reason is that we HAVE FREE WILL!
God works inspite of our nature. We try to aspire to His Son Jesus who taught us the true way to live. It's not about Religion, Christianity, or any dumb quotes you can weasle out of the scriptures, or a Christians mouth.... Its about WHAT'S RIGHT!
That's all God wants from us. To do what is morally right, in a world that is headed in the wrong direction. There are "self-evident" things in this world that point to what [is] right...and we ALL know them in our hearts.
What we get for our being Christ-like and God-like in our Faith and Love for Him and each to ultimately be like Him! And inherit His kingdom. But that choice is ours...because we wanted it that way from the beginning!
We wanted to be like God w/o any entitlements. It's like your children trying to take everything you have before you are even dead! So He said, "Ok want to be on your own? Go try it!" But, as fathers do, He loved us, and wants to give us everything He has. But we need to show Faith and Love in Him...and YES with no proof except what is self-evident...and RIGHT!
Does that mean doing ritualistic backflips and animal sacrafice according to some religion? No! But it may mean shutting your traps about things you really "don't know" anything about! Like God, and His Son, and His plan. You are willing to believe in theory that is NOT self-proving...yet God being: "all good and all love" isn't a good bet!
And really..."Who is like God?" And who are we to say this isn't His purpose no matter how far-fetched it may seem to you? After all...[a] God is [a] God...if at least you believe the word and premise!
Actually it all makes perfect sense to me! I have FAITH? I get EVERYTHING!
So.... lets be glad, and thankful that God gave us, and you atheists a free will. Otherwise you would be a robot taking orders instead of hanging out here having fun bitching about us and Him!
Michael the archangel (while tossing Lucifer into the pit) exclaimed, "Who is like God?"
The angels were God's first experiment (if you will?)... we see how that turned out.
They were either His robot, or wanted what was His....How are we any different?
Well for one, we live by Faith, or as in most cases in this forum, w/o Faith. The men in scripture of the [old testament] were actually "supermen of faith". That is why God revealed Himself to them. Was it all planned? Yes, and no! Each of those men were given a choice. Each of those men failed at something in their time. The reason is that we HAVE FREE WILL!
God works inspite of our nature. We try to aspire to His Son Jesus who taught us the true way to live. It's not about Religion, Christianity, or any dumb quotes you can weasle out of the scriptures, or a Christians mouth.... Its about WHAT'S RIGHT!
That's all God wants from us. To do what is morally right, in a world that is headed in the wrong direction. There are "self-evident" things in this world that point to what [is] right...and we ALL know them in our hearts.
What we get for our being Christ-like and God-like in our Faith and Love for Him and each to ultimately be like Him! And inherit His kingdom. But that choice is ours...because we wanted it that way from the beginning!
We wanted to be like God w/o any entitlements. It's like your children trying to take everything you have before you are even dead! So He said, "Ok want to be on your own? Go try it!" But, as fathers do, He loved us, and wants to give us everything He has. But we need to show Faith and Love in Him...and YES with no proof except what is self-evident...and RIGHT!
Does that mean doing ritualistic backflips and animal sacrafice according to some religion? No! But it may mean shutting your traps about things you really "don't know" anything about! Like God, and His Son, and His plan. You are willing to believe in theory that is NOT self-proving...yet God being: "all good and all love" isn't a good bet!
And really..."Who is like God?" And who are we to say this isn't His purpose no matter how far-fetched it may seem to you? After all...[a] God is [a] God...if at least you believe the word and premise!
Actually it all makes perfect sense to me! I have FAITH? I get EVERYTHING!
So.... lets be glad, and thankful that God gave us, and you atheists a free will. Otherwise you would be a robot taking orders instead of hanging out here having fun bitching about us and Him!
Quis ut Deus?