If you ever found a cause Ryan I'm sure you'd make a cute rebel.
The difference between the Abrahamic God and the rest is that he doesn't demand anything, just like in your perfect scenario. So thank you from him for that promo.
If you'd been paying attention, you would have noticed me say that good and bad are their own rewards. Just like you can see nature as evidence of God, or not, depending on your POV, so you can get PUNISHED (there, I made that scary for you) for doing bad stuff, by yourself in the form of guilt. What is so bad about justice any way? Do you have a problem with fairness? I'd be interested to hear your world view where injustice is desirable. Seems crazy to me right now.
The difference between the Abrahamic God and the rest is that he doesn't demand anything, just like in your perfect scenario. So thank you from him for that promo.
If you'd been paying attention, you would have noticed me say that good and bad are their own rewards. Just like you can see nature as evidence of God, or not, depending on your POV, so you can get PUNISHED (there, I made that scary for you) for doing bad stuff, by yourself in the form of guilt. What is so bad about justice any way? Do you have a problem with fairness? I'd be interested to hear your world view where injustice is desirable. Seems crazy to me right now.