godschild Wrote:It would be nice to hear something different, you have any original thoughts on God, if not you do not exist,
All in good time, asshat. All in good time.
And for the record, I have yet to hear a single original thought leave that (assumed existence) brain of yours.
Mr Dew Wrote:I dare to say that they are not true believers. And how would you know that it touches believers as much as it does not? Because I am a believer, and I will venture to say that it does not come near me nearly as much as to othes. If you don't believe it, then continue on not believing it. You will not change my beliefs. All you see is the members of the group that do wrong, not the ones that do right, and live right.
According to you, if I remember correctly: you've been a 'believer' for less than a year. How do you consider your opinion on the subject more knowledgeable than Jrsm_10's lifetime of experience? What's more, if you believed that the line of people you're lined up in is the right one and was never to waiver upon that belief, then what would you do when you got to the front of the line and are confronted with a deadly cliff jump?
I get what you're saying, I do. You're saying that as a believer, you've run into less trouble. Well, certainly abstaining from a high-risk behavior is going to do that for you, but people do that all the time without a religion steering them to that better life. It's a path that can be, and is taken by believers and non believers alike.
Quote:futilethewinds Wrote:
Hey, everyone, True Believers™ do not get raped!
True. Crack open the Bible and see what Christians believe why don't you. Every verse while your at it.
*cracks open bible
BIBLE Wrote:
Apparently it's gods' people doing the rape-age.
But that's ok because whatever god commands you to do is not a sin, don't you know?
Mr Dew Wrote:Since God is omnipotent, wouldn't it be logical to assume that His judgement outranks ours? Rape is evil right?
Ask Drich, he'll tell you. If god himself orders something, it is moral because he is morality incarnate. If he tells you to bash a babies' head in, it's not evil or a sin.
godschild Wrote:I see God's actions thus I see God, I talk with Him and hear from Him, so your statement is false. By the way God is not a super being, God is more than you can imagine, until you've recognized God's love in your life you have not experienced God and thus can not realize who He is.
And what about those who believed, felt as you do now, and concluded that there is no god?
Mr Dew Wrote:Omnipotence is impossible due to paradoxes
Another way to disprove the almighty god is that omnipotence leads to paradoxes. Can god make a rock that is too heavy for him to carry? Can god build a wall that even he can't tear down?
Paradoxes by definition are things that contradict themselves but are true. And yes, while it may seem impossible to you and I, wouldn't you expect an omnipotent Creator to be able to do the impossible? The human definition of impossible should be expected from someone with ultimate power. Omnipotent is defined as having ultimate power, which means that one who is omnipotent is able to do whatever He desires. If He desires to create a rock that is too heavy for Him to carry, then one with ultimate power would be able to do so. But then the impossiblity of Him being able to lift said rock is also possible to an almight and all powerful being.
Also, if god knows everything, he knows what he will do in the "future" (in any dimension, not necessary the time dimension). He must have known that from the very start of his own existence. Thus god's actions are predestined. God is tied by faith, he has no free will. If god has no free will god is not omnipotent. Another way to put it is that to be able to make plans and decisions one must act over time. If god stands above time he can not do that and has no free will. Indeed, if god stands above all dimensions god is dimensionless - a singularity, nothing, void.
He does know everything yes, because He is the creator of everything. You understand that a being capable of ultimate power, can do anything inside and outside of human beliefs and expectations, right? And also God created the existence of everything and everything in existence. I hesitate to use the human definition of existence because it is defined as the fact or state of continued being, and we know that to continue doing something one must be under the law of time! So I can say that God doesn't exist in our limited understanding of what is possible. He is as He names Himself in Exodus when He calls Himself "I AM". It means that He is, simple. And I see your line of reasoning here, and to my mind it makes some sense, until I take into account the "impossiblity of impossiblity". To us, it is impossible to do the impossible, to God, the impossible is possible. He created both possible and impossible courses of action. Everything that humans have done or have ever thought of, is only inside realm of what we view as possible, aside from those who perform miracles with the power of the Holy Spirit. When our limited scope of things runs into the unlimited power of God, we automatically take a stance of defense, because obviously in our eyes this is impossible, and therefore not real. God is not held by any predestination. How can an omnipotent being be held by any thing that He does not wish to be held down by? God is not tied by faith, and is above both faith and free will. How can you question whether or not someone of ultimate power, which is more power than anything else, is held down by something as trivial as free will? Yes, HUMANS must act over time to come to any sort of logical conclusion or course of action, but how can an omnipotent being who is outside of time and who created time, be held by time's laws, and how can said being be subject to any of His own creations if He does not wish to be? To our minds a dimensionless being would be actually nothing, but again, wouldn't an omnipotent being be able to do anything He wishes? To be outside of all created things is, I'm sure, a trivial thing for an a being of ultimate and unequaled power.
Besides there can exist no free wills at all if god is almighty. If you had a free will, god wouldn't know what you would do tomorrow and wouldn't be omnipotent.
So you suggest that an omnipotent God could not see every line of reasoning, every possible path? Again, omnipotent is defined as having ultimate power. Ultimate power is the power to do anything, whether it seems possible to our frail and fallible human minds or not.
And wouldn't said omnipotent being, who created time and is outside of time, be able to view all of time? Wouldn't He be able to allow creation the free will to decide for itself what it does and doesn't believe in? There are no limits to ultimate power, you know.
The void creator
If everything must have been created, then god must have been created as well. If god is not created, then everything mustn't have a creator, so why should life or cosmos have one?
God existed before creation. Creation is a concept that we use to categorize the world and universe around us. We conceptualize everything, and file it into little categories, and all of these categories fall under the titles Possible and Impossible. Can your mind fathom what was before creation? No, because it is a human mind, an imperfect mind; a fallible mind.
Besides this argument has another leap. If everything has a source and god is that source, then god must have existed without it before he created it. So if god created time and space, he must live outside of time and space. Thus he is non-existent. If all life must come from something and that is god, god is not alive and hence non-existent. If morality must come from god, god lacks morality. If logic comes from god, god is illogical. If nature comes from god, god is unnatural. If existence comes from god, god is non-existent. If god is the cause of everything, god is void
Yes, in our defintion of existence, God is non-existent. Because to be in existence, you must be in the realm of the natural universe, where time flows, and because time flows you can exist, as existence is defined as I stated above the fact or state of continued being. And by your assertions as well as my own one cannot continue being if they are outside of time, correct? So to your mind and my own, God is non-existent because He is outside of what we define as existing. God does not fall under the categories of our definitions of alive, moral, logical, or natural. Wouldn't you expect an omnipotent being to be above and more than these things and outside the limits of what we can fathom in our ever so limited state of being? Your arguments do not make sense to me, because God is outside of everything that you use to deny His existence.
I find it highly convenient for you to throw out paradoxes, on the basis that god is above paradoxes?
If god is all love, how can he do evil? Answer: he can't do evil, whatever he does is good no matter what. He saw his creation and said it was 'good'.
If god is outside of everything, and can do anything---then why are we here? Free will? Apparently we had that because Eve chose to disobey god. How is it free will, with eternal damnation as a consequence for not choosing the right path?
Why would he kill himself on the cross if he can do anything? How is it a sacrifice what he did if he knew he would be raised from the dead and given his eternal throne?
If he knows every possible outcome of every decision: surely he could've just avoided creating Satan and thus saving [millions] of souls in exchange for one?
Why does god let Satan torment JOB if he knew what job would do in advance?
I'll stop there for now, as I lost count of how many questions I've posed to you. I apologize for that, but it's a slippery slope, these questions..
If I were to create self aware beings knowing fully what they would do in their lifetimes, I sure wouldn't create a HELL for the majority of them to live in infinitely! That's not Love, that's sadistic. Therefore a truly loving god does not exist!
Dead wrong. The actions of a finite being measured against an infinite one are infinitesimal and therefore merit infinitesimal punishment.
I say again: No exceptions. Punishment should be equal to the crime, not in excess of it. As soon as the punishment is greater than the crime, the punisher is in the wrong.
Quote:The sin is against an infinite being (God) unforgiven infinitely, therefore the punishment is infinite.
Dead wrong. The actions of a finite being measured against an infinite one are infinitesimal and therefore merit infinitesimal punishment.
Quote:Some people deserve hell.
I say again: No exceptions. Punishment should be equal to the crime, not in excess of it. As soon as the punishment is greater than the crime, the punisher is in the wrong.