If you buy her the chocolates knowing she will overeat and make herself sick, then you bear some of the responsibility for it happening. Responsibility doesn't even hinge on foreknowledge. If you hand a child a loaded pistol to take to school, and your child shoots and kills someone, who is to blame? The child, or the adult who should have known better?
If God gave man free will, then he is at least partly responsible for whatever we do with it. If God made man capable of committing sin (indeed, made man incapable of not sinning), then the resulting sin is more his fault than the person's. If God tests Adam and Eve's ability to determine good from evil without beforehand giving them the capacity to know what good and evil is (in fact, the whole point was that they DON'T find out), is it their fault they disobeyed (even ignoring the fact that they were said to be tricked into doing it)? Absolutely not.
God cannot be good or righteous if his justice is arbitrary and unfair, and Genesis 1 proves right off the bat that it totally is. In terms of personality and opinions, God is no different from the priests who claim to speak for him. For some reason, that strikes me as just a little dodgy.
If God gave man free will, then he is at least partly responsible for whatever we do with it. If God made man capable of committing sin (indeed, made man incapable of not sinning), then the resulting sin is more his fault than the person's. If God tests Adam and Eve's ability to determine good from evil without beforehand giving them the capacity to know what good and evil is (in fact, the whole point was that they DON'T find out), is it their fault they disobeyed (even ignoring the fact that they were said to be tricked into doing it)? Absolutely not.
God cannot be good or righteous if his justice is arbitrary and unfair, and Genesis 1 proves right off the bat that it totally is. In terms of personality and opinions, God is no different from the priests who claim to speak for him. For some reason, that strikes me as just a little dodgy.