cneron wrote:
Nicely put. That's actually what I'm doing, not coming out but just not hiding it. I just want to be honest. Honesty is not going around revealing myself, but just being truthful.
Prescott is beautiful. Much better than Yuma. Yuma is tan. Tan-tan-tan. Just tan sand everywhere. Tan sand and Catholics.
Drag wrote:
I really did enjoy it. It made me laugh out loud
Quote:I live in AZ also, so I sympathize. People ask me what time zone I'm in and I tell them 1958.
I've never entirely understood the need, on principle, for people to "come out." I suppose being open about our differences is healthy, in theory, for ourselves as well as others. Still, sexuality is only part of who are, there's no need to place disproportionate emphasis on it. While there's no rational reason for anybody to be hurt simply by you revealing yourself, people aren't always rational. I can certainly understand not hiding it, though. I don't share my tastes or opinions with people I know couldn't possibly comprehend them, but I don't care if they know. You can't enlighten the determinedly benighted, however honest you are. Since we don't as a rule practice our sexual proclivities on mass transportation, in the work place or the dining area of Whataburger, I don't perceive anyone's sexual behavior (as long as all participants are legally consenting) as any of my business unless I'm in bed with them.
Follow the spirit of your own signature line, "Stop thinking what you think they think you should be thinking. Just think." Best wishes from Prescott.
Nicely put. That's actually what I'm doing, not coming out but just not hiding it. I just want to be honest. Honesty is not going around revealing myself, but just being truthful.
Prescott is beautiful. Much better than Yuma. Yuma is tan. Tan-tan-tan. Just tan sand everywhere. Tan sand and Catholics.
Drag wrote:
Quote:I should have posted the video!Yeah I saw that video before in another thread. lol
I really did enjoy it. It made me laugh out loud
Pointing around: "Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, you're cool, fuck you, I'm out!"
Half Baked
"Let the atheists come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heathens belongs to people like these." -Saint Bacon
Half Baked
"Let the atheists come to me, and stop keeping them away, because the kingdom of heathens belongs to people like these." -Saint Bacon