Well, now, I'll tell ya what: Let's go ahead and make abortion fully illegal. After all, it's a LIFE you're saving here, correct? If this is the assertion, then HOW that life begins oughtn't enter into it. No exceptions for rape, incest, endangerment of the mother's life. We're saving a LIFE here!! Isn't this the logical conclusion of this way of thinking? It's all God's will, right?
And when enough of your sisters, mothers, wives, girlfriends die or develop serious complications from coat-hanger abortions performed in back rooms -- which is how things in fact were, prior to Roe v. Wade -- perhaps you'll understand the true intent and impact of that decision.
And while we're at it, let's get something straight: No woman ever says to herself, "Hot diggity! I'm going to use ABORTION as my first line of birth control!" No woman is eager to face this decision. So perhaps we can all agree it's not a decision made with cavalier disregard.
Access to birth control is by no means a golden assurance that unwanted pregnancies will not occur. They happen a lot more than you may want to believe, and they have nothing to do with carelessness on the part of the woman. Young hormones running amok. Husbands who force themselves on their wives... just this once. A birth control pill taken just one time a few hours late. A leaking diaphram. How many of you fellows rode bareback a time or two, though you almost always routinely use a condom? Get real about how this happens.
I'm so goddamned sick of hearing men sit around and debate about what I may or may not do with my uterus. You want to know how important this procedure is to women? Ask them. Seriously -- the next time you find yourself in a group of women, ask them WITHOUT JUDGMENT how many of them have actually had an abortion. You'll be shocked, I promise you.
Prevention the first line of defense? Of course. You bet. Goes without saying! But don't presume to foist your academic views on me or other females about the real consequences of following through with an unsupported, unwanted pregnancy. You sincerely have no clue.
And when enough of your sisters, mothers, wives, girlfriends die or develop serious complications from coat-hanger abortions performed in back rooms -- which is how things in fact were, prior to Roe v. Wade -- perhaps you'll understand the true intent and impact of that decision.
And while we're at it, let's get something straight: No woman ever says to herself, "Hot diggity! I'm going to use ABORTION as my first line of birth control!" No woman is eager to face this decision. So perhaps we can all agree it's not a decision made with cavalier disregard.
Access to birth control is by no means a golden assurance that unwanted pregnancies will not occur. They happen a lot more than you may want to believe, and they have nothing to do with carelessness on the part of the woman. Young hormones running amok. Husbands who force themselves on their wives... just this once. A birth control pill taken just one time a few hours late. A leaking diaphram. How many of you fellows rode bareback a time or two, though you almost always routinely use a condom? Get real about how this happens.
I'm so goddamned sick of hearing men sit around and debate about what I may or may not do with my uterus. You want to know how important this procedure is to women? Ask them. Seriously -- the next time you find yourself in a group of women, ask them WITHOUT JUDGMENT how many of them have actually had an abortion. You'll be shocked, I promise you.
Prevention the first line of defense? Of course. You bet. Goes without saying! But don't presume to foist your academic views on me or other females about the real consequences of following through with an unsupported, unwanted pregnancy. You sincerely have no clue.