(August 31, 2013 at 3:19 pm)Raeven Wrote: Sorry, it wasn't fairly obvious. As for your being sanctimonious... I think the posts stand for themselves.
Two people on this board have already volunteered circumstances under which they were being responsible and suffered "unexpected pregnancies," myself being one. You've had nothing to say about how we ought to have dealt with the circumstances as they were presented to us. Or do you just ignore those facts when they don't suit your world view?
I'm 56. Long time ago.
So are we talking about abortion in the 1970's or today? I mean I was talking about today. I kind of hate this whole argument because like I feel the need to repeat over and over again, I am pro-choice. However the strawmanning and the 'if you aren't 100% with us you are against us' attitude of this thread is very off putting. It would be nice if I could get just one of you to admit that the majority of abortions happen because people were irresponsible. The degree of irresponsibility varies but that is the truth. I don't think it's the end of the world that this happens because I don't put much value in a fetus. I also feel a little uncomfortable because when you guys make things so personal it puts me in the position of arguing against women who have had abortions, which isn't really something I want to do.
That being said here goes. Your situation isn't the same as what I'm talking about because today there are morning after pills. I'm talking about personal responsibility and all these issues as it affects me and people who are dealing with these issues today. I'm also talking about these things in a broad sense. So even if your individual case is an exception (and we only have your word for it that it is.) It doesn't change that most people (men and women) who lead to abortions happening do so out of irresponsibility. On that note I think I'll move on to something else.