This is not meant to be mocking. What I am going to attempt to do is to show you why your logic flies in the face of everything (this) atheist is about:
"God wants use to rely on Him for our answers, being omniscient He can guide us to truth in His word. There's nothing wrong with His word, it's humans that make the controversies, people have a desire to be better or know more than others (self righteous)."
This is the sort of education that we currently use all the way up to the end of Junior school. The teacher tells us and we learn it.
As education progresses, however, there is more and more encouragement, and need, to find the answers on our own. The lessons at this stage of our education are the fundamental basis of the development of everything about us. Teaching kids to think for themselves, and research for themselves is absolutely critical.
It is the desire to be better, or to know more (not really than others - that 's a projection) that drives us forward. There is nothing self-righteous about it. Its just part of an innate desire to understand, explore and then possibly utilize.
"...they want to have their own revelation for their own idea, whether it be to tear down God's word or to look like they know more than others."
Well...they want to understand (its part of the human condition). If that understanding conflicts with God's word then it conflicts. Its then the individual's choice what to do at that point. In many cases - an atheist is born, in some another religion is chosen or sought and in some, I guess, they change their ideas to fit God's.
The idea that the search for knowledge is merely to "look like they know more than others," is to make a mockery of all the research that has ever been done. To use a cliché - knowledge is its own reward and, once outside of higher education it is non-competitive.
For reasons I do not know I have a drive to understand things. I spend a huge proportion of my free-time on the net. That divides up between reading the news (particularly anything on the latest scientific advances), watching Youtube videos that explain and review items ranging from the latest mobile phones to the latest theories in physics to new dinosaur discoveries to .... well anything that catches my eye, and then recently on here where I like to discuss and share ideas.
To me this is part and parcel of being human. If that is wrong then being human is wrong and I am happy to be human.
" The Bible is far more than instruction book, it is a guide through life with revelation coming through His word to use as we need it, either for one's own life or to help teach others. '
The most interesting part of that sentence is "as we need it."
For some, possibly many, it appears we don't.