(September 16, 2013 at 5:32 am)Simsim Wrote: I don't know why you are surprised.If you think scientifically you think skeptically. If you think skeptically you will dismiss religious thought. This is why you need to "just open your heart" to Jesus or Allah to get faith.
I said it many times, an atheist is simply a person that rejects the claims made by theists, that is: "there are god(s)". I don't accept their claim, therefore I am an atheist. Nothing else can be inferred, and I know personally 2 atheists, that care nothing about science, yet, they are atheists.
Sure, science is our best method to obtain knowledge, we cannot know objectively what we can't somehow detect/observate, but science does not seek to prove/disprove god(s), Its simply looking at our surroundings and try to understand how it works.