And according to Book 18 of Antiquities of the Jews, Antipas had JtheB killed for being a troublemaker AND notes the divorce/marriage and subsequent military movements BUT he does not connect the two events.
And yes, Judaea did well under Augustus and Tiberius and things only started to go down the toilet when Caligula ordered Publius Petronius to erect a statue of the emperor in the temple. Petronius was smart enough to dally until Caligula was killed but Caligula also withdrew certain exemptions the Jews had enjoyed and those were not restored.
But yes, in general, during the first third of the first century, this is pretty much on target.
And yes, Judaea did well under Augustus and Tiberius and things only started to go down the toilet when Caligula ordered Publius Petronius to erect a statue of the emperor in the temple. Petronius was smart enough to dally until Caligula was killed but Caligula also withdrew certain exemptions the Jews had enjoyed and those were not restored.
But yes, in general, during the first third of the first century, this is pretty much on target.