(September 17, 2013 at 12:41 pm)Zazzy Wrote: Hello-
I've been looking around for a forum to settle into- hopefully this is it. I've been off forums for several years and have missed the interactions.
About me: I'm an atheist from Texas (sigh). I live with my sweetheart (we've been engaged for 11 years) 2 dogs, and assorted birds. I'm a molecular geneticist (ABD) by training with a focus on microbial evolution, have spent years teaching Biology at the high school and university levels, and right now I'm in career limbo (although I have a job interview on Friday for a job I'd really like). Oh, and I'm female.
I was raised by atheist parents and so feel a little bewildered by the struggles so many atheists went through to get here- I just don't know what it feels like to buy a god, and anyway, I tend to feel like if it turned out that the god described by most theistic Texans actually existed, I'd join the other team.
Glad to be here.
Huh? If these Texans you speak of are painting him out to be a non violent lovey dovey god, then they and you, need to read that book cover to cover. What they are doing is cherry picking. The god character in totality would read like an abusive spouse.
1. Beats the shit out of you for questioning or trying to leave.
2. Says he is sorry.
3. Goes back to beating you.
Part one. Be a good Hebrew and no one gets hurt.
Part Two. Thats not working, I'll stalk you, fake a suicide to save you from my wrath.
Part three. Thats not working. I'll smash the entire x box and burn all the players who didn't want to play my game.
Why would you want to join that team?