I dont really have something like standards and I am ready to deal with pritty much everything.
By setting up standards I would feel like trying to create an ideal person which is a thought that I dont like.
I do see your point under some circumstances. I wouldnt date a methhead or someone who has 3 cans of beer and a shot of jägermeister for breakfest. But would I be in a releationship and my partner would slowly start having such problems I am probably more enclined to help her, rather than just running away and hiding behind some "standards".
By setting up standards I would feel like trying to create an ideal person which is a thought that I dont like.
I do see your point under some circumstances. I wouldnt date a methhead or someone who has 3 cans of beer and a shot of jägermeister for breakfest. But would I be in a releationship and my partner would slowly start having such problems I am probably more enclined to help her, rather than just running away and hiding behind some "standards".