I'd never go near a smoker again. It's the least attractive thing a person can possibly do. Not just the foul stench that I can smell a mile off, but they tend to have bad skin, teeth and hair because of it. They cough a lot. Their penises don't get as hard as a non-smoker's. Oh, and the taste of their penis.... It makes your cock taste like it's gone off. I just gagged at the thought lol.
But yeah, as standards go, it's very common for people to be put off by smoking. I've seen several surveys about what people find most unattractive in the opposite sex where smoking has come top of the list by a long way.
But yeah, as standards go, it's very common for people to be put off by smoking. I've seen several surveys about what people find most unattractive in the opposite sex where smoking has come top of the list by a long way.